Employee Benefit Plan Audits

As auditors for over 30 employee benefit plans, Barbich Hooper King Dill Hoffman, brings a superior level of experience and knowledge to your plan and its audit. Our professional auditors plan and execute our audits in a way that maximizes audit efficiency and effectiveness and offers your plan administrator and human resources personnel quality services.
We specialize in auditing defined contribution plans, defined benefit plans, and health & welfare plans, both single-employer and multiemployer plans, that are subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), enforced partly by the U.S. Department of Labor and the Internal Revenue Service. ERISA contains a requirement for annual audits of plan financial statements by an independent qualified public accountant. Generally, plans with 100 or more participants are subject to the audit requirement. Our firm can provide both limited scope and full scope audits.
We also specialize in auditing governmental plans. Regulated and administered by the State of California Office of the Controller, these plans require that that our firm abide by the Minimum Audit Requirements and Reporting Guidelines for Public Retirement Systems.
Our firm is committed to achieving the highest quality audit possible. Regardless of the type of employee benefit plan your company has, we plan and execute all of our audits in a way that maximizes audit efficiency and quality and we offer your plan administrator and human resources personnel confidence in their plan reporting and management.
At Barbich Hooper King Dill Hoffman, we understand the complexity of performing employee benefit plan audits and that is why we have a dedicated team of auditors that possess the specialized knowledge and experience to help ensure compliance with the appropriate standards and changes in regulations that may impact your firm’s employee benefit plan audit. Our team of employee benefit plan auditor specialists stays current in this highly technical practice area by attending various continuing education programs including the annual AICPA National Conference on Employee Benefit Plans.
In addition to meeting GAAP and Department of Labor standards, our firm is a member of the American Institute of CPAs Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center. We are committed to adhering to the highest quality standards by voluntarily agreeing to the Center membership requirements, which include designating a partner responsible for our employee benefit plan audit practice, establishing quality control programs, requiring minimum continuing professional education, performing annual internal inspection procedures, and making our peer review report findings publicly available.